I really belies its who you get in these places. My first time and to say i was highly disappointed is a statement. It would help if the lady I had had better command of the english language. I had a terrible stiff neck and it was only at the end of the treatment when I mentioned it a second time she payed any real attention to it. Im a massage therapist my self and made a point of saying so at the beginning this to may have fallen on deaf ears. I felt my therapist if i can call her that had very little experience or inclination of what she was doing as soon as she placed her hands on one part of my body she took her hands off and started some where else. It was quite frankly the worse thai massage Ive ever had and i have had plenty good ones. I FEEL IVE JUST THROW £50 DOWN THE DRAIN. If going to a thai place i would ask how much experience someone has or just say I'm not happy can I have more pressure etc but in this woman's case she just was not up to the job.