If I could've not rated any stars for overall satisfaction and waxing I would.
I did not want to write this review because the lady who waxed me was very nice and friendly, however, the poor quality of knowledge and service as well as what seemed, little familiarity with the product and experience made me very angry so I feel the need to let it out and ask if anyone has felt this way before when attending to this Salon for a Hollywood/Brazilian wax.
Thankfully, I bought the deal on groupon for £11, so I went on to try the local salon. I arrived at 9:30AM, was greeted straight away, offered a drink, very nice and friendly. As I got into the room, I was not told what type of wax would be used on me, it was a white hard wax which was left on the skin to dry and then picked around and pulled off. I've always been familiar with hot wax, but to begin with, this white wax wasn't as bad, until it to got lower down to the extra sensitive outside skin. I told the lady many times that the wax was too hot throughout the session, she lowered it and heated it back up (it must have been). I'm not a wax expert but I have been waxing for years and I know that it's not to simply apply wax and pull off, you have to know the direction of the hair growth and etc…
During the session, the lady attempted to kill a fly in the room with the gloves she was using to wax me, she didn't manage to kill it but didn't change the gloves either.
When reached lower into the middle of my private area, I felt the wax glue to my clitoris, and I started to panic. Thankfully that area was enable to be pulled because the wax was probably too thick and it hurt like hell. I had never felt this much pain before in my entire life, not even when I broke my chin!! It actually made me scared to get waxed again. So because the lady couldn't pull the wax off as it was too painful and it would probably rip my skin off, she started "cutting" the wax, maybe I should've looked at what she was doing, however, even until this point I trusted her. She almost cut my skin with the scissors, I had to let her know it grabbed my skin a good 4-5 times. Finally the wax came off. She then used hot wax lower down near the cheeks, but didn't do the backdoor, which I specifically asked for everything to be off. After she was done, she just said done done, (as she had another customer waiting) and said left me me to get dressed. Didn't even ask if I thought it was all up to my liking or given me some oil and tissue to clean myself as I was covered in wax! Obviously, I helped myself, and as I did that, I noticed that there was soooooo much hair still left. Like the outside was okay, you could still see little hairs here and there… I could've done better at home with the outside. It's the inner area and bum that I find hard to do, that's mostly why I even went there. I could see the lady was nervous and that she had little experience with this. As I got to the reception, she asked if I wanted to book another appointment in 3-4 weeks. I asked how much was the original price and she said £28. I wanted to jump on her, because she saw how much pain I felt and how unfinished she left me AND because I pay £15, for a perfect job, and they are charging almost £30 for something they are obviously not experienced at and can't do it well at all! I left the place at 10:45 AM (keeping in mind we started at 9:30) in so much pain I could feel myself numbing up. As I got home, I checked myself in better lighting and I was purply red, my skin was burned and it was so painful to touch. It takes a few hours for normal waxing to cool down so at night I went to have a shower and cried because the warm water touching my skin was still burning and it stung, I was so frustrated but I kept telling myself, at least I didn't pay £28!!! Of course, I won't let this one bad experience ruin it for me, I will just have to travel further to Ebony Pink in Essesx, the person I usually get it done with, but I definitely won't be going back here, and I seriously don't recommend going to this salon if it's your first time waxing, it will put you off and trust me, waxing DOES NOT hurt that much and certainly does not take that long, the quickest I've done was 15-20 minutes and it's all around that time, if the person takes any longer they are certainly inexperienced.