Anara is treating my pigmentation. It is quite a lengthy process but there has been a big positive improvement from the day i started about 6 months ago. I followed everything she recommended, from treatment combinations with her and products too. Very pleased with outcome so far.
Its the wedding season and I need to lose few inches to fit in my outfit. I booked a bodywrap with a facial. Its was extremely relaxing. Love the bodywrap Anara does, it always works. My skin looks very refreshed and is glowing. Anara is truly exceptional. Thank you.
Anara is absolutely amazing! She is very experienced, very delicate, will take the time to listen to your concerns and asses what is the best treatment for you. I have had acne/scars for years. Only 3 visits to Anara so far, once a month and she has already helped me a lot. Less scars, more glowy skin, more confidence. She will always take insanely good care of my skin and is very meticulous with everything she does. Looking forward to continuing my journey with her.