good quality venue, very professional host and staff-could not fault them at all. The massage however was a bit wanting. I wanted and booked a deep tissue massage and asked the lady to focus on neck and shoulders, however I received a full body massage with not as much focus on neck and shoulders. I will book again though, and really stress upon needing more attention to neck and shoulders since the massage was still fairly good.
I have been meaning to try this place for a while, but have been a little put off by the general external demeanour of the place. The Wahanda offer tempted me and I opted for the 1 hour Thai massage. Not really knowing what to expect, I opted for a firm massage, having been promised that it would be strong and not painful.
My masseur seemed very slight but I had not taken account of the use of elbows and body weight to achieve a strong treatment. She was very competent and pleasant and gave my body a complete working over. The hour passed quickly and I emerged slightly groggy. The proffered glass of water was well received.
I would return and recommend this venue to friends and family.
I would recommend a Thai massage to my friends. I explained to Noi that it was my first time and she was very gentle with me. The 90 minutes seemed to fly by and I felt energised and relaxed for the rest of the day. Incredible!
Really good massage. I am pregnant and noi took extra care with me providing relief for aches and pains and an all over sense of wellbeing. Calming atmosphere, lovely staff.
I'd never been for a massage before of any kind so Thai massage was probably jumping into the deep end. I didn't know what to expect but went for the aromatherapy massage. Overall I felt very relaxed by the end, the girl was so nice & everyone was very welcoming. I had a lot of tension taken from my upper back but this was at a cost of discomfort. In pain today but would go again, something has obviously worked. Thai massage is vigorous though & not for faint hearted. Slept well afterwards too.