I treated myself to this massage due to all the stress I have in my life at present. I'd been going to book an appointment for a while and once I'd made my mind up I wanted to book for the next day. I went onto treatwell and thought I would not get a deal for a Sunday, I was wrong and was really pleased once my booking was confirmed. The massage itself was fantastic and I felt relief in my shoulders straight afterwards. I will definitely be booking another massage soon.
Really good massage from Lisa. Shoulderblades are much looser and I feel more relaxed for it. Lisa made everything very relaxing and comfortable and knew right away when the knots in my back were.
Would thoroughly reccommend the whole experience! I went in with strange ailments and not knowing what to expect and was delighted with a full consultation during which I was asked very relevant questions which many doctors had overlooked but that were spot on with regard to what I was feeling/suffering. The treatment itself was fantastic and I left feeling very much refreshed and renewed.
This was my first reiki experience and whilst I wasn't skeptical, I was unsure as to how it might help me. Any doubts I may have had about the treatment were banished though and I now reccommend it and Awakening Senses to everyone. As the left side of my body seems to suffer illness worse than my right, the therapist concentrated on that and I can honestly say that I felt a real difference in that side...almost to the point of imbalance!! I'm now a convert!
I'm off travelling but it will be one place that I will visit very soon on my return! Thank You!!