An excellent massage! The masseur certainly knew what she was doing with my back problem. I delayed 10 minutes and not only this deducted from overall time but I was given another 10 min at the end! Recommended
This is a small massage salon. The staff are excellent, but you're not dealing with a premium location. I would definitely recommend the experience so do not be put off. Excellent value.
The venue was not what I expected. It was in a dark and dingy basement and I would not have wanted to use the shower at all. The massage was actually OK but no piped music (as expected). Instead the music came from a phone that was placed on the massage bed!! Really basic venue with a dodgy staircase down to the massage parlour. Don't go if you are looking for a pleasant venue but if you are just after a good massage without any nice touches then it will be fine.
I had my treatment with Roberta and would definitely recommend her. I am booked in with her again already. The venue itself is very small and could do with a deep clean but the rooms are nice enough. I would prefer to lay on a towel rather than paper though. All in all this place is a hidden gem with great therapists if you don't mind not being in a 5* spa.