with that attractive prices for a quality of massages, definitely place to be on a regular basis.
Massage therapists here do have physiotherapy degree, so they are able to help with many medical conditions, including chronic pain, sport injuries. The proper for the place should be “Urban Medi Spa”.
For local people this spa offers the same price for in calls, as well as out calls
A perfect treat is a combination of the massage and the therapist and seeing 4foryou we are impressed with both. I received a full hour of Deep Tissue Massage and the tension was gone. Massage was very effective and the oil helped with my dry skin. Also the therapist was very professional asking insightful questions to determine my needs before we began. My wife’s chosen relaxing swedish massage and she was as delighted with it!
The facility rather small and not like high end spa, but well-maintained and worked well for us!
It’s like small restaurant with few tables, but with excelled food, good waiter and well priced.
Overall experience is a positive, a very good value for money.
Tiny space, but massage was much better that at any spas, which we tried over the years, plus Central London location.