I was the First Loyal customer to return to the Banyen Thai i go there that much 3 days a week i should get a Loyalty card. all the girls are fresh and clean and i need not wear a face mask as i was laying face down on the massage table. i had Helen again who is one of the top deep tissue massage therapists in London all of the knots along my spine and across my shoulders had disappeared and i walked away feeling as light as air, no better sensation in the world, well done Helen Thank you.
I was the last of the esteemed clients, the boss must be crazy to close down. I had Helen again she was excellent and remembered to massage me just the way i like it, i see her three times a week. you could smell her sweet perfume and her hands were nice and soft. for a small lady she sure is strong. All of the banyen girls are nice and fresh come and take your pick, try each one twice.