Sadly disappointed- lady very nice, however room had a bright light, radio blasting dance music in background, lack of privacy with customers coming in and out shop whilst having massage which stopped whilst customers were seen to. At end a hot flannel washed under a tap was applied to my back, leaving my back cold with tissue paper used to mop up any wetness, shame as lady was nice but felt more like a procedure then a pleasant treatment. Also ended early so disappointing overall - refund pls
It's a no frills experience. I liked my treatments. It's good value for money. It's unfortunate the salon is bright white as it shows every bit of dirt. I think you'd have to clean it every day to keep it perfect.
The staff were very friendly, and the leg wax was great, but my Brazilian was not as good as I have had at other places. Although the result was good, the technique was not and was more painful and difficult than usual. The space was also not particularly clean.