I was very disappointed with my first, and last, visit to Bladerunner. Having arrived on time for the hour-long appointment, the entire hair wash, cut and blow-dry lasted no more than 30 minutes. The hairdresser used an electric razor most of the time, which seemed inappropriate for a female bob given the length of my hair and the style. When I raised an issue with the finish on the sides, he did everything he could to persuade me this was how it was supposed to look. The hairdresser was clearly in a great hurry to rush to the next client. In spite of the pleasant environment in the salon, the poor quality of service means that I will not be coming back again.
My Hollywood wax was relatively inexpensive but I'm not sure how experienced the beautician was because it took a little longer than it needed to because she struggled with the temperature of the wax. Overall not bad for the price but not the best.