The coloring was done perfectly. In the end though, when the stulist started drying my hair she asked how I wanted it and I asked for minimum styling-my hair is straight anyway-since I couldn't leave the salon with frizzy hair, blow dried only. I was charged an extra 20 something pounds for that, and when I asked if they charge a few strokes with a brush which are considered a proper hairdo, I was told that when a stylist uses a brush you are charged anyway. So I am guessing the choices would be leaving with wet hair after a coloring, or leaving with worse-just blow dried-hair than you would dry them yourself using a brush. Plus, the styling was not that good also-my hair was all up with static afterwards.
City hair is efficient, clean and professional. If you're looking for a relaxing, peaceful experience, this is not for you. If you are looking for a quick and very good haircut, city hair is the place for you!