I have seen various physical practitioners for at least 20 years. Some were a great help. None have come close to Christos's incredible level of skill.
I don't say this lightly.
He has completely changed my physical life; his work has given me relief from 3 major long term issues for the first time ever, and my other long term issues take much less personal maintenance than they used to.
Not to mention my shift in understanding, I am now much more aware of the subtle triggers my body has.
Christos has been treating a neck and shoulder problem for me with careful attention. While the treatment is painful, it is effective. The treatment will avoid the problem getting worse or recurring. Christos has explained what the treatment involves and how exercises can help and has provided a link with details about those.
For months I have had a very painful shoulder and finally decided to visit a physio.
I am so happy that I saw Christos as he has really fixed my shoulder. When I went in I could not lift my arm over my head, but when he was finished lift my arm over my head and behind my back.
I am looking forward to my second visit to get more movement and work on range of motion.