Excellent massage though the place is very no frills. It’s tiny as are the massage rooms. The whole reception area is cramped and messy. There isn’t a chair to put your clothes and bag on- only a box on the floor. Massage was brilliant however.
The ambience here was amazing. Right from the receptionist who took time to book me in, listen to my questions with smiles all through.
Na the therapist was amazing. So professional and the massage room with the heater, relaxing lights and music almost made feel like a prince. I could hear myself snoring a few times. It was a great experience. Far better and thorough than the ones I have had in other places. I cannot wait to be back. Was money well spent. Thanks to Na and the crew.
All members of staff were welcoming and professional, they paid attention to the areas I wanted more attention to and the level of intensity throughout the massage. Would definitely come again!