I had a free 30 minute facial recently after spending a lot of money on products from the stand. I felt that whilst the treatment was great for my skin and the women doing it was brilliant. The assistant with her on the stand was quite difficult to relax around, she made a comment on the oily appearance of my skin before I had even had a chance to tell her what products I was using or looking for and wanted to tell me to make sure I am removing my make up properly! I felt this wasn’t approached in a sensitive way and made me feel very self conscious, particularly as I have suffered with acne for a long time. I also use a lot of dermalogica products and have done for a number of years so I felt that she wasn’t listening to what I was saying and treated me like a new customer and was being quite patronising. Thankfully the women undertaking my treatment turned up and saved me however, as I was the last appointment of the day, I could also feel the assistant tidying up around me and as soon as the women was finished the assistant was next to the treatment bed with my bag in her hand to hurry me along! I left feeling very conscious of my skin and not relaxed at all as I was hoping to. I also didn’t buy any additional products or book any further facials, as I felt the whole experience has put me off using this stand in the future.