Not sure i will ever come back.
What's the point of offering to book particular technician, if on arrival client is being told that instead of chosen Lilly ( or something similar), you will be taken care of by young gentleman, then they have conversation between themselves, and as this young gentleman is doing Lilly's manicure, you are being taken by other young lady.
You don't understand what's happening as they speak Vietnamese, and you still in doubts if technician understands you right, as booked for french , i've almost received full paint on ( stopped her), then reminding her how many layers she did put on each hand.
Don't want to blame young lady ( no idea what's her name) but overall experience was ( I want to leave , and i hope my hand won't be damaged too much ).
Though my fingers were swollen afterwards, as were damaged by buffer, and some bleeding point as all over around nail.