I've had my eyebrows threaded here before, but with a different lady. The lady this time was quite aggressive- I usually handle threading pain fine but I found I was clenching my teeth. I was in so much pain when she asked if it was okay, I just said yes. It was only when I got home I noticed stray hairs above and below my eyebrows.
As for the shape and polish. Oh dear. I can't shape my nails AT ALL and was in a rush so just asked for quick shape and polish. It became evident after she was done that she didnt know either. All my nails were different shapes and lengths and the polish was so bad a kid could have done a better job. She then had the nerve to blame it on my cuticles!! Also- the cuticle stick she wanted to use to clean the nail polish from my skin was filthy. She said they usually charge £8 but she'll charge me £5. I explained that I already paid £5 because I had booked it online, so she said she'd refund me £2. I told her I wanted a full refund. She got really rude and said 'so you want perfect nails for free?' I told her I was not satisfied and to prove it, to remove the nail polish if she wanted. She said she wouldnt, and that its okay. She then proceeded to do a horrible job of applying clear nail varnish sloppily and then went to th cash register, put £5 on the table and just walked off. Was really rude and unprofessional.