Never had a massage like it.
I booked a bamboo massage as I wanted my knots sorted in my shoulders. I assumed it was a warm bamboo massage not cold. Totally wrong the therapist massaged me for about 15 mins, I had to keep telling her to apply more oil and pressure. I asked if she was going to use the Bamboo. She then applied the cold bamboo stick to my back. At that point I had to say something. I was quite frustrated by this point and just said please just do a deep tissue massage.
I’m a Massage Therapist of 17 years and a Warm Bamboo/Hot stones tutor, and co owner of a Massage school.. The therapist didn’t understand me so she had to call someone, who insisted that bamboo is never warmed. That was Hot stones! I wasn’t impressed. Unfortunately I won’t be going back. Maybe the owner would like to get me in to teach her Therapists to do Warm Bamboo massage. It’s a great massage in the winter!