First time having a western massage, so cannot compare my experience. However, I will try my best to keep this objective.
Ambience / Cleanliness/Facilities
- The "spa" was very small and consisted of a reception and two rooms. However, it seemed to be well kept.
- I do not mean to offend or discriminate, but the masseuse's rather large abdomen kept pressing against my head when she was standing at the side directly above my head. At one point when she sat on the end of the table/bed, it tilted and creaked and I thought I was going to fall. Fortunately, she did not make much effort to start conversation. However, she did prompt for tips which was slightly off putting.
- Having been used to having Chinese massages, one key difference is that I do not feel like my lymphatic blockages are cleared, nor are my muscles completely relaxed.
I love hot stones massages. This one was, I'm going to say, 'different '. there seemed to be no consistency in the motions she was doing. The lights stayed on, there was no music and every time she went back to sort the stones she was bashing them around in the heater so I couldn't relax! Pressure was right though.