I booked this place because it is walking distance to my house. Upon arrival, a young lady took me to a bed that is against the wall and there were curtains around it. (so we were not in a room) There was an open bin at the end of the bed where waxing has been done previously so I could see the wax strips in the bin etc. There were people walking past as the curtains are thin and you can hear other therapist talking to their client very close by. The lady kept knocking my head every time she turned to get the product. Overall, i was there for less than an hour, had a very clumpy facial, the worst i have had. I will not be going back and can not recommend.
This was an exellent experience all round. The salon is basic, but the staff are lovely and extremely competent. I was pleased with the results and it was such good value. I would not hesitate to return for this treatment again.