Lily gave a great deep tissue massage concentrating on the areas of my back in most in need of attention. I have been to a lot of places for massage in London but this was certainly one of the best. I will definitely return.
Wendy did know exactly which spot to press as she spotted the source of pain in the first minute without me pointing where the pain was coming from. Her sport massage took effect after a few hours and I feel so much better after the treatment!
I would have liked more of a consultation. I had to voluntarily tell the therapist what areas needed more attention, and I wasn't sure if she heard or acknowledged what I said. Client modesty and boundaries could also have been respected more. I appreciated the time taken to wipe oil off the body with hot towels, but would have liked a slower massage instead. She also used too much pressure behind the knees, which can actually be really dangerous. Wasn't relaxing and didn't help my problem area.