Just what I needed. Quality essential oils and a wonderful technique that I hadn't experienced before. About 5 different massage methods in the one massage. I left feeling very relaxed but I also had more energy to go and do my things. Will be back!
Again - amazing. Best nails I have ever had. Fantastic pedicure, all skin, soles of feet, cuticles all treated careful and my feet feel like new. Flory listens to exactly what you want. Couldn't be happier and my toes look so perfect and summery.
Manicure again was flawless. My nails are in such good condition since the last time. So long! They haven't been like this for ages. I wanted a specific shimmery look on my hands and Flory had the great idea of mixing two of her gel colours to give me it. Looks so amazing.
Apart from the treatments being 5 star, the whole experience is just very relaxing and pleasant. Quiet, private salon with no one staring in the windows and Flory is a very warm person who you feel comfortable with. Always offered nice coffee and tea so it's just ideal to relax for an hour or two.
Next time I want to try massage as well. Like I said in my last review - I won't go anywhere else. This is a wee private, luxury for me and I'm just so happy I found it. I've tried so many places in Glasgow for nails and no where compares to this.