I was very sceptical at first by how reasonably priced the massage was, but I was so impressed. She paid particular attention to an area I had some very large knots in, and I felt it was a really personalised massage to my needs. I’ve paid 4 times the amount for massages at fancy spas who I feel have done a bog standard treatment without paying attention to what I actually needed. I can’t recommend Rania enough and will 10000% be booking again soon!
Treatment by Aanya (Senior Aesthetician)•Back, Neck & Shoulders Massage
My treatment was excellent as always, rania made me so comfortable, full body waxing was like never before , no pain at all, I will definitely comeback and will definitely try facials, as she has wide range of facials which I am definitely gonna try and I have heard a lot about from my friend, who refer me to Rania.
Treatment by Aanya (Senior Aesthetician)•Eyebrow Threading