Staff don’t even try to initiate conversation during treatment to see if you want to talk in general, but will come in and out of treatment room to speak to each other in their natural language!
Well... I guess you get what you pay for.
£24 for a wash, cut and blow dry and eyebrow wax.
Firstly, my hair. The cut is uneven, but I wasn’t able to tell this at the salon as it was dried in such a style I can only liken my resemblance to Lord Farquaad from Shrek (blow dried under, very 90s). Anyway, it didn’t look brilliant but I figured once I got home and straightened it, it would be okay. I was wrong. The most uneven cut I have ever seen. But, Harp didn’t seem to have her full attention on my hair; customers coming in, phone calls, her son, other employees... anything but my hair was more interesting. I would not advise anyone to go here for a hair cut.
Eyebrows... I honestly wanted to ask Harp to stop the treatment. I mean, I don’t think it’s acceptable to be on a sales call the entire time whilst applying hot wax to someone’s face, maybe that’s just me... My eyebrows aren’t terrible... there’s a bare patch where there was hair before, but not any more... but I can fill that in with pencil and the shaping is okay... I do wonder if I’d have a bald patch if full attention had been on my eyebrows, rather than a telephone call... not professional.