I normally come for waxing but had treated myself to a massage this time. Maria was simply excellent. You immediately feel that she knows exactly what she is doing. She knew all the areas I had issues with and really helped release the tension. I can say with confidence that it's the best massage I have had. I have now booked myself in to return in 4 weeks and have immediately booked a couple more massages to treat my family. I feel blessed to have discovered Relax, Revive, Return by Maria and couldn't be happier that it's so close to home. Highly recommended - 5 stars!
Maria's massages are out of this world amazing! I could not express more how much I would encourage everyone to come for a massage with her. I have had chronic back pain for nearly 5 years since slipping two discs at work and slowly but surely she's fixing me muscle by muscle. Thank you!
This was my second visit to see Maria for a Hollywood. Until meeting Maria ive never used hot wax and I don't think I'd ever go back to strip waxing for a Hollywood. Maria has such a calming nature and I instantly felt relaxed. I'm happy to say I will now be a regular client 😃😃