Indulgence Beauty & Hair Salon Reviews

Trafalgar Business Park, Broughton Ln, Salford, Manchester M8 9TZ, UK

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Reviews are written by customers after their visit.

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I did a long review already.
I don’t believe Mary did my nails, her name began with the letter “R”. As much as she was a lovely lady and we chatted etc, it did seem she was not experienced or now what she was doing. A 1&half hour service ended up being over 2 hours. I arrived at 11:45 AM and left around roughly 2:50 PM. I was the only customer and she was the only staff. This was a standard gel treatment and usually does not take this long however it was because she was ‘faffing around’ nothing was set up so I had to wait for her to get the equipment which is fine as you never know, customers might not turn up so no point setting up until they arrive however it took all most 15 mins . Midway through she wasn’t confident to continue so a male came from the back room to finish off and did not ask if it was ok for a male to touch my feet until he was already out and ready to sit down which of course , I had to say yes otherwise that would of been awkward… we had to wait for the male to arrive also which took some time. Throughout the treatment she did make my big toe bleed and a few of nails bleeds as she went to deep with cleaning the cuticles, which they do now sting when I wash my hands with warm to hot water. During my feet treatment she used the electric nail equipment that you use for acrylics on my foot and at some places she was focused on one area abit to long that I felt the ‘burn’ so I had to twitch to kind of give her warning. After my foot treatment I did want to leave as I was in there for a while and had plans/errands to attend to which resulted in making me late . However at that point I just gave up , I pre paid and thought let get this over and done with. Happy to attach/send my nails photos but I won’t be coming back unfortunately. My over nails are bumpy . I also wasn’t given much nails colour to choose from.
Very nice experience. Haircut what I asked for. Not cut too short.
My hair looks really amazing. Thanks to Romına! I never knew my haır would ever be this beautiful...the Salon haır stylıst ıs very frıendly and knowledgeable, more ımportantly she kept to tıme.  I am super happy wıth the servıce. my haır looks amazıng! Thank you.
I am very happy to leave thıs revıew. I dıd my naıls at Indulgence Beauty & Haır Salon! Fırstly, the Salon ıs very neat ın a good envıronment. I was very happy wıth the Salon Servıce. My Acrylıc Naıls and my infills Buılder Gel were really good. Attentıon was paıd to detaıls, ıt was perfect! I wıll certaınly recommend frıends and famıly to come to the salon and I will vısıt agaın soon. Thank you!