Solid 30-minute long Deep Tissue Massage of Back, Neck, and Shoulders has put a big wide smile on my face as I walked out of the studio. I didn't know my muscles were tense on the right side until Harmider detected it and broke the knot into thousand pieces haha ... Blissful comfort came after a few, much needed, minutes of discomfort, and pain ... Highly Recommend!
Treatment by Harminder•Back, Neck & Shoulders Massage
Harminder was professional and gave a really great relaxing massage. He put me at ease with all of the new rules because of covid, was very attentive to my needs and expectations. I thoroughly enjoyed the massage, I was very tense Beforehand and felt fully relaxed when I left. I floated home. I will be going back for deep tissue massage for the big knots in n my shoulder that he found. Also left with good advise on other things that will help.