I wait a few weeks after having a hair cut to see if it stands the test of time. This one loooks as good today as it did 4 weeks back. I hate salons that stick you in an ugly gown the moment you walk in. Those gowns under mine your confidence and make you annonymous. How does the stylist know who you are and what life you have if they can't see the real you? Anyway at Joshua Altbeck the gown was proffered but I said I'd put it on after I'd spoken to Joshua and this was treated with a smile and courtesy rather than the usual irritation. Joshua and I talked for a good 5 minutes about what I wanted (to preserve as much post chemo hair as possible and still have a contemporary but flattering cut) he instructed to washer to shampoo as I wanted (ie not severely as I shampoo every morning) and then set about cutting an exquisite style. He's not a big talker which is great he's concentrating on the job and this he did brilliantly. It's tecnically an excellent cut that doesn't rely on styling and blow drying to look good. Josh trained at Daniel Galvin and his pedigreee shows. This is a 5* hair cut.