Long time ago, Asian healers were expected to know eight levels of healing and to become skilled in the Five Excellences. These included techniques of self-development and self defense as well as the tools of one’s trade. Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and meditation were practiced to maintain one’s health and increase sensitivity. “Physician, heal thyself” was the healer’s conviction. The ancient masters realised the healing potential of human energy and saw it as a tool in helping others. They knew of the importance of developing and cultivating this energy, or spirit, to its fullest degree within themselves. This would allow them to become effective and highly skilled practitioners. To “heal thyself” would be to help in healing others.
Every massage therapist is different. My Shiatsu Massage is a modern approach to well-being that uses touch, movement, awareness of breath, relaxation techniques and full body holding to help create a safe container for the receiver to relax more deeply and to stimulate the natural regenerative powers of the body allowing symptoms of disease to possibly lessen and vitality to grow.