The eyebrow threading is done downstairs, which was unacceptable: work in progress and filthy, there was someone eating overpowering smelly Chinese food on the chair I was mean to sit (which was very old and in bad condition) and it wasn't hygienic at all. The pictures on the web haven't been taken at this place, so rather disappointing. They agreed to give me a refund but I have been waiting and still haven't received it. I left without the service and I still haven't got my money back.
The therapist was lovely but the massage I received was not what I wanted, primarily because there was no consultation (as advertised) before the treatment. There was a lot of building work at the venue so the whole treatment was to the soundtrack of builders laughing and talking, not their fault but this could have been advertised before I paid. Again, lovely therapist who was very nice but I would have appreciated some notice about the work/noise and I would have liked a consultation before the massage to explain my pain and what I needed, rather than just going straight in.