it's definitely the best massage I v'e ever received! If you can, make sure to choose Aninchana as your therapist, she's incredible! I'll definitely be back again in a few weeks.
When you arrive there's no clear signage to make you sure you're at the right house. However, once inside had a brilliant massage which really eased a lot of tension. Will definitely be going back!
I had a Thai oil massage. The lady was lovely! At the start of the massage she confirmed what I wanted and asked if I wanted deep tissue which I said no. During the massage she asked a few times if I was ok and if the pressure was ok. It was an amazing massage but the only thing with it being in a private place someone came in to the house at one point and there was quite a a lot of noise / banging. Also the face towel was very rough on my skin. But I would go again definitely.