Louise’s Indian Head Massage and Reflexology is much more than pure Physical Treatments, it’s also Very Spiritual, which makes it so Very Special. After the Massively Spiritual element of Louise’s Treatment, I leave the Calming Treatment Room Very Much Lighter and feel as if I’ve left my Stress behind. A Wonderful experience once again. Evan
I’ve experienced a great deal of stress for a very long time proving ‘End of Life Care’ for my late Partner. Louise’s Indian Head Massage and Reflexology was just Absolutely Amazing and simply Magical. I could actually feel the Waves of Stress leaving my body. I felt like a completely different person when I left Louise, then when I walked in her Treatment Room. I am going back tomorrow for some more Magical Treatment. It’s the Very Best and most Amazing Treatment I have ever had. thank you
Louise is an amazing reiki healer, providing an immensely relaxing experience. Often knows exactly what to work on with no direction. And gives incredibly accurate insights. Thank you Louise!
I really enjoyed my reflexology with Louise, she made it feel like a really treat! I slept really well that evening and felt energised the next day :-)