I went for the first time with my mum on her behest, and went expecting some bizarre out-of-a-film in an isolation tank experience. Well, in the same way you have a shower or a bath, you don't feel alone because you're with Yourself, and you don't expect anyone else to be with you! - At first I couldn't work out if I was supposed to be doing or acting in a particular way, how does one Relax??! then I realised the only person who had expectations was Me, and the only person who was going to judge whether I was relaxed enough or not was Me. Then I chilled out and decided, it didn't matter how I relaxed, I could do whatever I felt was best. Then, I truly did relax, and forgot about time, letting my mind and body do whatever it did. - I came out onto the street afterwards, feeling totally at peace, completely tranquil and calm in a way I never had before. (Probably says something about me not taking enough time for myself to relax!) I had some fantastic realisations about what being relaxed actually was, and it has transformed my perception of what relaxation is worth. I would truly recommend Floatation to Anybody, it is a most beautiful and important gift to yourself, and reminder that your mind and body is the place you have to truly look after and treat well. I in fact went again since my first session with my partner, and will go again in the future!