I was quite disappointed that my ombre looked nothing like in the picture I showed Lisa, I was aiming for honey blonde dipped ends and got a copper-yellow colour throughout most of my hair. I kept on hoping to the very last minute that the toner she would apply on the bleached sections would give me the colour I was aiming for, however, this did not happen as I was left with pretty much the same copper brassy colour after the toner which made me wonder why they don't apply hair colour on the bleached sections instead of just toner as surely a professional hair colour would lift up the blonde much more than the toner?? In all fairness Lisa did say my hair would not come out like in the picture I showed her so my expectations weren't too high I just don't understand why all hairdressers seem to be saying that you should have about 4-5 sittings for balayage/ombre if you are going from dark to blonde and all they seem to do in each sitting is just bleach more of your hair and add the toner instead of actual hair colour...