Julia’s attention to detail was great, I appreciated her squeezing me in late on a Friday and still taking great care when doing my hair. I love the balayage and the experience was great! Thank you!
How happy am I finding Yulia at last!!!
She did the perfect colouring as was discussed before and haircut&blowdry was brilliant as well.it was a pleasure to chat with her and time flew so fast!!!Thank you Yulia,you are the best!!!
I got a balayage done today and it was amazing. I have black, thick long Asian hair so I can understand it can be a lot of work to dye and style but Julia fulfilled my expectations. She was so lovely and accommodating; very meticulous in her work and had a lot of patience too. Not to mention, her salon space was clean and smelled amazing, she offered me biscuits, tea cakes and magazines to read. I would highly recommend!