This was the most unusual type of massage than I've ever had before, but now I know what to expect I'll definitely be back. It isn't a relaxing massage with soft music and a zen type of atmosphere but it definitely helps your knots, stiff muscles and tight areas. The shrill phone that rings out on the corridor is a bit much and some noise outside means that this is a massage to really sort your body but not to relax and done out. (Those sorts of massages do nothing for your body anyway!)
Feel like a new person after leaving Marx Ayur and treatment from Dr Subi. The attention to my problems and care given was phenomenal and I really felt listen to and my needs catered for. Special attention was focussed on my problem areas and she really understood how to treat me. I do feel though that towels could be changed more often per client for a more cleanlier feel on the bed and steam chair.
Treatment by Dr. Subi Sukumaran •Deep Tissue Massage