could not have been happier with my massage with Angelique. It was my first massage of this type and I was extremely tense and tight from stress and training. I feel a big difference alr eady...and look forward to seeing Angelique again.
I chose a holistic massage, as I wanted something that would not be too intense. Angelina clearly explained to me what it was that I could expect from the massage experience, and how it compares to the other types of massage that she does.
Very experienced, and attentive to my body's needs. Provided clear explanation of what to do afterwards to maximise the effects, and was generally lovely.
I will be going back, this time for Swedish/deep tissue massage to probe deeper into the problem areas identified in the initial massage treatment.
I am very excited to continue with Angelina, as she provided the best massage that I have had to date.
My massage with Angelina was really amazing, and immediately I felt that she understood exactly what I needed and was able to advise accordingly. I loved that she explained various parts of the massage as she went, and she could instantly tell where I needed more/less pressure and. I highly recommend her massage skills to everyone.
The experience: the place is more like a nail salon as you go in, and the massage rooms are at the back. A little unsure when I arrived and no one was there to greet. No tea/water offered before/after and there's no place to relax either. A shame as the massage was first-rate.
Angelina is an angel with magic hands! She listens to you and your body needs and provide a tailor made massage. She also gave me great tips for circulation improvement and pregnancy related pains. Would love to come back!