The main objective of their work is to bring healing, comfort, and a sense of harmony to my patients through the healing practice of acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient and traditional Chinese method used to relieve many health conditions and symptoms. Chinese medicine calls the energy that flows through the body qi and practitioners believe qi disruptions create imbalances in the body’s energy that lead to illness. Acupuncture works through the insertion of very thin needles into the patient’s skin at multiple and specific ‘acupoints’. The relevant points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system which in turn releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord and brain. These biochemical changes stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and rebalance the body’s energy which promotes physical and emotional well-being Acupuncture can help relieve or even completely cure a wide range of different conditions, ranging from pain management, sleep issues, digestive problems, skin flare-ups and general wellbeing - to name a few. It boosts immunity and can have a big impact on mood and stress management, all of which make for a more robust and happy individual. Do get in touch!
Nearest public transport:
The venue is conveniently situated close to plenty of public transport options, ensuring a hassle-free journey to the venue for all wellness enthusiasts.
The team:
Alongside acupuncture, they also practice cupping, gua-sha, electro and magnetic therapy. Each of their treatments is very much tailored to the individual and they use several techniques to ensure that they achieve the best possible outcome.