a very good massage for the price. my masseur was very petite, so could have done with a little more pressure, however the right balance of relaxing and de-knotting all the same.
massage was very comprehensive and covered back and front and then sat upright to end. not too oily.
the massage room is quite deep in the gym complex so you definitely need someone to show you where it is.
excellent treatment all round.
The location is a little unusual, above a (mens?) gym however once inside you forget your surroundings. The massage was great, just what I needed to ease the aches and stiffness in my shoulders. Will definitely be back.
I totally enjoyed the massage. It's more powerful than a Swedish massage, but as pleasurable. Near the end, I got a hot towel to cover the neck/shoulder for a few final strokes - it was extremely nice.
I had to wait at the reception for 10 minutes (they were late), but it's worth it.