Had a manicure appointment at 12.25. Very bizarre experience. I walked into an empty salon 5 minutes early. There were kids playing (owner’s children, I assume) in the waiting area. Throwing paper at each other and also at me. They Hit my head with paper a few times and run around screaming. Then a woman who worked there appeared and was surprised to see me. Asked to see my confirmation email. She called someone to hurry back into the salon and do my manicure. A man shows up 5 minutes after my manicure start time and starts telling me that I was wrong and my manicure was due to start at 12.30 and that I should not have rushed him. Not true- confirmation email said 12.25. Didn’t appreciate his rude tone.
The manicure itself was bad, but luckily only £9. I had to get home and remove nail vanish from the skin around my nails.