The most relaxing facial I have ever had. The neck and shoulder massage was very effective.
A large variety of procedures and lotions . I have sensitive skin and usually leave a salon with an embarrassing red glow. The cooling treatment brought that down . Overall my skin feels fresh and smooth.
I'll definitely make it a monthly treat
Lovely facial well worth trying. Days later my face was glowing and surprising how much clearer than previous spa treatments. Professional and know what’s she’s doing. Would definitely go back.
Really great treatment, I had some lingering acne that was stubbornly sticking around over the festive break and it disappeared overnight after this treatment. Mesy was quite knowledgeable and took the time to analyse my skin and recognise my skin complaints (veins on my nose, fine lines, etc etc). Massage was soooo nice and I wasn't expecting it as part of the treatment so definitely made my day. Will have a few more sessions but I feel like my skin does look better.