Wonderful massage! She really found all the muscle knots and massaged them out. She’s was also clearly very experienced as she kept asking me throughout if everything was okay - suggesting things I hadn’t tried that may work better for my back pain. The room was very warm which is always great! I’ve been in some freezing places before - so the attention to detail was really appreciated. The place was also very calm and clean and the ladies very friendly! Definitely going back!
The massage from Angel was amazing. So amazing that I had to come back two weeks in a row. Angel uses excellent techniques which found knots in places I didn't even know could make knots and tension, such as under arms, arm pit, backs of knees, etc. I highly recommend Rani Thai Spa. The best massage I have ever had. Thank you Angel.
Booked a last minute massage and it exceeded my expectations. Might be the best massage I've ever experienced. The therapist paid attention to getting the knots out of my problem areas. If only I could have one everyday! Fantastic. Highly recommend. Worth it.