A fantastic deep tissue massage from Michael. My shoulder and back has been bothering me for months and he really knew what to do to sort it out. Worked on the area really well and it felt a hundred times better afterwards. Made me feel very comfortable and was very professional. Will be returning. Thanks Michael!
I would not come again. I booked a Swedish massage and was expecting at least to have my legs and back done to feel relaxed after my marathon. However, I was told that they only focus on specific places. I didn’t feel relaxed and didn’t feel that it was worth £55, it was slow and I felt that there was more talking about specific muscles instead of feeling relaxed. The oils didn’t smell of anything nice, but Maria gave me some good stretches at the end for my legs.
Really great experience. I had some neck and back issues. Michael was able to loosen everything up. He was very professional and respectful. Definitely going back again.