Jay always goes out of his way to cater to your needs and help heal your body with his therapy. He’s always so pleasant and always looks after me whenever I attend for a therapy.
I’ve been a customer for a long time and always will be. Jay is extremely talented in his work and I always feel mended after a well needed therapy.
Judy is a one-off. Consummate professional with a wealth of knowledge, I could talk to her for hours. The word therapy in this treatment description os legit, Judy just talks absolute sense and helps to completely reset the mind as well as the body. No-one should worry about the anticipated indignity of this type of treatment if they go here and with Judy's care - she's impeccably trained & skilled, I'd never go anywhere else - when she retires, I'm screwed!
Best of the best x
Very friendly and welcoming. Jay and Judy go above and beyond for the customers. Been coming since 2020. Have recommended this place to so many people. Just bought 2 for family and friend. Definitely worth while. Thankyou