I did not have the deep tissue treatment in the end as Ken the therapist, suggested that it might effect my high blood pressure , I had a hot stones with a bit of Swedish instead which was good.
After seven months of backpacking followed by two weeks of intensive decorating I felt I needed a massage badly! Ken was absolutely fantastic. He got deep into all the horrible knots around my shoulders and upper back. He made me feel completely at ease and very friendly. Highly recommended.
Having been to massage after massage after massage to try and find someone who could understand my chronic shoulder pains, I think I have finally found the most knowledgeable therapist I have ever come across.
Ken is a wonderful and highly professional therapist who immediately puts you at ease. His Advanced Deep Tissue Massage is incredible. He is truly concerned with helping to relieve any aches and pains or more serious problems you may have.
Do not hesitate in booking in with him.