Very friendly, and most effective reiki. Incredible how it just drained the tension from my body.
The Acupressure massage at the end was an added bonus too !
I’ve recommended Sira to two people, for whom a visit to Sira would do them the world of good.
I go back in two weeks time as well !
I absolutely loved it and will be back! My only criticism is I would have loved some relaxing music to listen to in the background, but other than that, it was fabulous!
The crystal therapy by Sira helped me take a lot of stress of my shoulders, she was really nice and the crystals felt really powerful and were warm and tingly and I left the appointment feeling a lot more calm and relaxed
Helpful. She can see energy and chakras to a brief scan level, includes some crystal work, massage is okay but the acupuncture was most affective. I have returned more than once because she has an attentive enthusiasm for helping to heal that invites my emotional distress to exit my social barriers and the main reason I attend any therapy session is to access stifled emotions or stress and relieve it. The acupuncture is worth a try because it has helped me release most stress and suppressed energy in many many treatments over months and maybe years. The reiki was also okay, but I've had alot of energy healing and massage, not so much acupuncture so i benefited most from the acupuncture but didn't have many experiences to compare to, just that it helps to do acupuncture with someone who can pick up energy motions, it helps toaddress accurate points and acu is most intense, quick, strong way to unblock meridians.