Everything really nice, my massage, head in the clouds, zsupposed to be 25 minutes but it been at least 15'.
the only criticism is for the lighting in the room of massage, too high.
If you are looking for a relaxing spa to while away an afternoon this is not the place. There is little to no ambience, and a group of 4 noisy girls and a young man screaming into his mobile phone (despite signs asking that noise be kept to a minimum) did nothing to help this. That said, if you are looking for a quick trip to use a sauna and steam room you can't beat the price. The jacuzzi temperature was a little on the cold side and there is no pool so i don't see how anyone could stretch a trip out to 3 hours (the allotted time for use of the 'thermal spa'). I couldn't fault the back massage though.
I have booked a last minute SPA experience with head in the cloud treatment which it was performed by Ebony. She put me at ease and she was very kind and professional . she prolonged the massage which I really appreciated as it helped me to relax more. The SPA was very clean and not crowded although it was Friday evening. I really enjoyed the overall experience
Thank you