I come here every so often for some thinking time. Pros for me is that when I usually go, its usually quiet/not packed which for me is a big factor. The facilities are good however price has increased in comparison to years ago, this is understanble with the cost of living. Changing rooms are decent but can get busy as it seems like its the changing room for the gym also. Please add drops of essential oil in the steam room, I tried to use it twice but it had an unpleasant smell, like drains.
Treatment by Thermal Spa Experience 6•Steam and Sauna Therapy
A very nice venue. I used it off peak and would recommend this for the peace and quiet.
I wonder whether the spa room would benefit from a plunge pool - I thought there was space for this and wondred if there had been one ther at some point? It would give another element of interest and movement around the spa area.
It's a lovely little spa above the leisure centre in Wimbledon.
I've always had a good experience there - they pay great attention to detail and are friendly.