I had a brazilian waxing and an eyebrow wax done. I initially booked for threading, but had to change the appointment as the therapist who usually does the threading was no available. Lovely salon. A little bit confusing to find as above Toni and Guy hairdressers. The therapist was lovely and very professional.
I was a little nervous about getting a full set of eyelash extensions for my wedding as I had never had them before and wanted them to look natural. After 90minutes of suspense getting them put on I couldn't have been happier! They were very professionally done and I couldn't have loved them more for my big day. My Calgel nails with extensions were also perfect, the girls were lovely and I will definitely be going back.
went to this salon with my partner , this was the first time i had been there the location is great access for me & my girlfriend as we both we in town & its in the heart of the city.
treatments were very relaxing & the oils they use are espa products
my girlfriend has since booked a course a st tropez spray tanning with them
very happy