Discussed nail shape and the polish I wanted, when the therapist filed a nail I asked her to correct it and was told that's how my nail grows and the shape can't be changed I was a little lost by this I felt like asking why a nail file exists moving on to the nail polish I explained that vinylux doesn't agree with my nails and had previously peeled off the next day, the therapist said it was the only nail polish they had and that if I tried a different colour it might not come off, she said that she would buff my nails as that would help keep the polish on but she never did this she also said she would only apply one coat to stop the polish coming off but applied 3 coats, my nails are appalling the coverage is so uneven and my nails are rough, my eyebrow wax wasn't much better I had to keep asking her to get the strays so i came home and still had to pluck them myself as I just wanted out it wasn't a good experience at all