Мне очень понравилась атмосфера и мастер Карл. Была процедура бразильский фен. Предварительно все объяснили и разъяснили. Не пожалела!!! Волосами довольна и жалею только о том, что не сделала этого раньше
Styled by The Purple Salon•Ladies' Brazilian Blow Dry
Good, clean , simple haircut - the specialist Chloe was particularly polite and welcoming, and did a good job. She took a great care in drying my hair also. I was very pleased.
Very painful head massage/head washing process - left my sculp throbing!! Never happened before!
End result - good haircut with some unexpected pain on the way!
Nice and friendly. Happy with my hair cut and blowdry, i would recommend to my friends. Excellent overall. Clean and tidy place. Loved the hair wash area- one can lie down whilst having their hair washed.